Friday, March 25, 2011

Downtown Phoenix - Civic Space Park

Civic Space Park is quite unique and has won several awards.
This strange sculpture looks really cool when lit up at night. I'll have to go back one of these evenings and prove it.
 Looking up from below.

A little north of the park is a famous Phoenix landmark: 
 The Westward Ho
In its day it was the largest building west of the Mississippi River.  It was also THE place for visiting celebraties to stay; Marilyn Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor, Paul Newman to name a few.   Now a low-income Senior Citizen place, the lobby is still decked out and should be checked out.

ASU School of Journalism is to the east of the park.
Scott is conducting business while in the recessed coffee shop patio - still a part of the park.

The shade structures to the left (and unseen over top of the photographer) are made of old (recycled) conduit tubes. The concrete is permiable, allowing water to go through into the ground and not run off into the streets and sewers.  You almost have to see the power point presentation on the design and build of this little park to really appreciate all the forward thinking and planning that when on.

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