Monday, February 22, 2010

Optical Illusion - Traffic Cones

I have always wanted to do something like this. You know those e-mails where you scroll down and see the next thing and finally the last one is amazing or funny or whatever. (if you do copy this to send, please DO NOT Send This To EVERYONE You Know and something wonderful or terrible will happen!! Nothing will happen any differently if you just take a look and then go on to something else than if you send it to any number of people).

That being said, you must be wondering what I'm talking about and whether you are going to need to scroll down. Yes, you will need to scroll down to see what I'm talking about...

You see a traffic cone here and if you click the picture I think you can see others beyond the car.  Nothing so unsual.

In fact, there are two traffic cones here. And the other cones in the back are much more visible.

Still nothing unusual?


I guarantee there was no trick photography used here.

No cut & paste or Photoshop editing

These were the BIGGEST traffic cones I've every seen, or if you prefer the line from 'Get Smart' that is the second biggest cone I've ever seen!

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