Sunday, October 30, 2011


Triolet is a little known poetic scheme (Karen and I hadn't heard of it). Jake had a book of poetry to do over the weekend and did a pretty good job of it.  Once it comes back, I will scan in his work as there is artwork with each.  He ended up with 6 different types of poems. 

I thought this one was the most difficult of the six styles, so I had to play with it myself.  This is what I came up with (no artwork with mine).  No too bad for not having written poetry since gradeschool. 

God's will for us is right and just.
Please, Lord, please don't let me forget
We come from and return to dust.
God's will for us is right and just.
He will be glorified through Alzheimer's fog; I know He must.
So many things in this life I will never understand, yet
God's will for us is right and just.
Please, Lord, please don't let me forget!

I think it speaks for itself, my Mother-in-law is suffering from Alzheimer's and it took my grandmother many years ago. I am certain it touches many, many families.

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